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Help! Death is inconvenient!

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Dear Prudence, Slate, 6 December 2022:

Q. Bothersome Burials: Is it appropriate to hold a funeral on a Saturday? I have recently noticed that funerals are more frequently being held on Saturdays instead of weekdays and I think it is bad etiquette. On most Saturdays, we already have plans for weddings, baby showers, birthday parties, ski trips, softball tournaments, etc. and I am perturbed when we are expected to change those plans to attend funerals. It seems to me that when you lose someone very close to you that you should be taking time off of work anyway rather than waiting until your scheduled day off to have a funeral and grieve. When you lose an acquaintance, or perhaps do not know the deceased but still want to support your friends and family, you should be able to limit it to a few hours during the week and not give up your weekend plans. Also, it seems inconsiderate to make the funeral home and cemetery staff work on a Saturday. I believe that Saturdays should be off-limits, am I mistaken about this?

Dear Bothersome Burials,

Funerals should absolutely never be held on Saturdays, for all of the excellent reasons you describe. It is inconsiderate in the extreme to interrupt people’s ski trips even for legitimate reasons (whatever they may be — nothing immediately springs to mind, but the Bad Advisor is sure someone somewhere will be able to drudge up an example). To derail a romp on the slopes for something as inconsequential as a community gathering to grieve the departure of a beloved friend or family member from the plane of existence as we know it frankly defies comprehension. For the snuffing out of one’s mortal lamplight to cause scheduling conflicts around more minor commitments such as weddings and baby showers is naturally a lesser infraction — attendees can always simply RSVP to the next one, or the one after that — but nevertheless impolite. Of course, few will share your deep concern for the wellbeing of those death professionals who work on Saturdays despite undoubtedly being, as you are, shocked by and entirely unprepared to accommodate the customs and traditions surrounding the inevitable fate, old as life itself, that awaits all of us. But your selflessness is noted here nonetheless.

If you are mistaken about anything, it is in failing to interrogate the cause of these breaches of etiquette. There was a time when people treated each other with just a little more consideration — when we left our doors unlocked, our unvaccinated children played together barefoot in the streets until dawn, and we dropped dead when and only when it was convenient for people’s busy weekend schedules. My mother would have rather died than shuffle off the mortal coil just before Little Maydelayne’s big softball tournament! Sadly, people these days think only of themselves, their own needs, and their own petty concerns — to say nothing of their unwillingness to sacrifice a day of fun and fulfilling work to attend the final celebration of life for some douchebag who had the gall to kick the bucket without checking their second cousin’s day-off calendar first. Grief is already experienced for only those fleeting moments we spend attending funeral services; it is unseemly to defer our limited 40- to 90-minute mourning periods until such a time as we can gather together in meaningful community.

Alas, that’s the world we live in today! We can lay much of the blame on the obvious culprits — video games, reefer, and heavy metal music — but we would be doing ourselves a disservice if we did not admit that we are responsible for making time for what matters. The next time a cherished friend, loved one, or colleague sets off on that long, mysterious journey to the undiscovered country, we must prioritize the apres-ski reservations at the lodge bar.

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786 days ago
I do love the Bad Advisor but I think for this particular one, Prudence's own advice hits harder than any satire
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Software Updates

4 Comments and 12 Shares
Everything is a cloud application; the ping times just vary a lot.
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1923 days ago
I'm sure Stallman would have something to say about this
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3 public comments
1922 days ago
Funny, while looking at this very comic I noticed that a very recent update to Chrome (on Android) ruined the title-text feature. Now how do I roll this fucker back?
1918 days ago
And FYI: you can go to chrome://flags and disable "revamped context menu" to see the full title text again
1923 days ago
ShareX > 12.0.0 removing the ability to use Greenshot to edit. Stuck on 12.0.0 forever now.
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
1923 days ago
Everything is a cloud application; the ping times just vary a lot.
1923 days ago
Sigh... Outlook 2010, how I miss your true dark mode, folding calendar, drag-drop support and smart search folders. In corporate culture, 'unwilling to lose' is not the same as 'allowed to keep'.
1922 days ago
If it helps, true Dark Mode came back to Office in 2018/2019 (depending 365 or standalone).

Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Intelligence

2 Comments and 10 Shares

Click here to go see the bonus panel!

Boy, I hope these kids get home some day.

Today's News:

Big announcement!

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2135 days ago
David Brin's short 'Stones of Significance' covers this ground very well. It's well worth a read, and it's freely available online
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1 public comment
2135 days ago
There isn’t really a joke in here
Lafayette, LA, USA

Conversational Dynamics

5 Comments and 15 Shares
"You should make it so people can search for and jump into hundreds of conversations at once if they want." "Ooh, good idea! I imagine only the most well-informed people with the most critical information to share will use that feature."
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2508 days ago
TFW a feed has *two* alt text bots and they *both* have encoding issues...
2508 days ago
You sure your browser isn't configured incorrectly? Both alt text bots' posts are displaying just fine for me with no visible signs of encoding problems.
2507 days ago
Ah, must be a problem with the newsblur android app then
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4 public comments
2508 days ago
East Helena, MT
2508 days ago
(semi-)closed forums still exist, they just don't advertise themselves. For obvious reasons.
2508 days ago
"You should make it so people can search for and jump into hundreds of conversations at once if they want." "Ooh, good idea! I imagine only the most well-informed people with the most critical information to share will use that feature."
2508 days ago
Please just stop =(
2508 days ago
"You should make it so people can search for and jump into hundreds of conversations at once if they want." "Ooh, good idea! I imagine only the most well-informed people with the most critical information to share will use that feature."
2507 days ago
I'm surprised there was no direct reference to the useless bots interjecting into every conversation.
2507 days ago
The bots are only visible on NewsBlur, I think. Randall may not even know they exist.

via carafennec

1 Comment and 2 Shares

via carafennec

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3958 days ago
This is technically a Screenshot of Hope!
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